Saturday, July 18, 2009

dirty talk

What's the difference between COCKEREL with a PROSTITUTE?

mostly , a cockerel would say cockeldodaldoo
but the prostitute says any cock will do
pfffffft, so you see. I'm not a pros.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

out out brief candle

nothing much, just watched happy tree friends videos.

stressed out by the campaign thing, feel like killing someone.
oh well, better experience something than being a nun.
tired, better get some sleep. gud-nite fellows ^.^

TAGGED - feel stupid +.+


1) What is the most important thing in your life ?
my family , best friends , old friends , close friends , friends , back-up friends , lots of food , undergarments , unrated DVD's , stupid soft toys , hot guys to day dream about . and lastly PUTIH! <3

2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money ?
food? belanje alicia makan sate ikan. -.-

3) Where do you wish to get married ?
in my dreams , so no one could even bother :p maybe somewhere romantic and peaceful.

4) Do you prefer mother or father ?
mama :)

5) hugs or kisses ?
both. but if there are other options, i would take rape :)

6) 3 things about the person who tagged you ?
stupid, irrational, life destroyer.

7) 5 things that i am passionate about :
lying, having fun, telling stories, convincing people to do bad stuffs, and making orders.

8) 5 songs i could listen to over and over again ?
i couldn't even remember the titles, but i would give some bands and singers.

9) 5 things i say too often ?
what the heck?
bodoh / babi *laughs
fuck , sluts, assholes, bitches, whores, and etc.
oppss, lebih 5 :p

10) 2 of my bad habits ?
shouting at ppl
insulting ppl
i do that often :)

11) snacks i enjoy ?
to many, ummm. all the sweet stuff that i've tasted and some chips or what ... =.=

12) 10 peoples to tag ?
1. Sarah Azmi
2. Iffah Syafiah
3. Nurul Faznita
4. Nadiah Haris
5. Wan Nurul Athirah
6. Fadma Aizza
7. Alyssa Hureen
8. Fatihah Shahrin
9. Shazwan Shahrin
10. Alicia Teoh

pass pass

nothing fun, nothing interesting, and the most important thing,
i have NO MOOD for today
it's probably cause i'm fasting. loads of temptations ,
and totally lots of food <3

totally Tonggek as ever, and why do ppl judge it?
is it so tempting, i know :p
see see? it's not mine actually, totally Kim's fake butt. YUMMY :D

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Revin Rinivtiano

What an obsession. The name, reminds me of Revin lah. siape lagi?
But he is not the subject here. It is the name of my future baby :)
So i decided to name my future baby boy Revin Rinivtiano

it's a boring post, i know. but it's important to me!
:DDDDDD beware future hubby, you will suffer. hahaha :)

inspiration of the day ; REVIN RINIVTIANO

ways to expand the boobs

heh, whoever follows these instructions are surely lame :O

1) drink soya bean everyday. surely healthy ! (no side effects)
2) buy a firming cream for breasts, it firms and shape the boobs. (RM9++)
3) get your boyf to pump it up for you. (if you're a slut)
4) get a baby to suck your tits, hoho sure is good. (make sure he/she doesn't bite)
5) to always do breast tests, it helps to grow your boobs :)

by doing this, InsyaAllah boleh. any suggestions? well, leave a comment :)

how's it going?

aye, the new blog. got nothing special bout it.
feeling a little blue-ish plus tonggek-ish O.O
and yeah, got a whole lot of life to experience :/

eat this shit ass-hole!